Code of Conduct

Dear Boosters Club Members,

We are excited to welcome you to the new season of our school’s sports teams. As boosters club members, you play a vital role in supporting our athletes, coaches, and school spirit. We appreciate your enthusiasm, dedication, and generosity.

However, we also expect you to follow some basic rules of conduct that will ensure a safe, respectful, and positive environment for everyone involved. Please read and adhere to the following code of conduct:

  • Dress code: Dress modestly and appropriately for the weather and the venue. Avoid wearing clothing that is too revealing, offensive, or inappropriate for a school setting. Wear school colors or team apparel to show your support.
  • Respect: Treat players, referees, coaches, and other spectators with respect and courtesy. Do not use foul language, make rude gestures, or harass anyone verbally or physically. Cheer for your team, but do not boo, taunt, or mock the opposing team. Accept the decisions of the referees and coaches, and do not argue or interfere with them.
  • Safety: Do not be alone with any student without another adult present. Follow the school’s policies and procedures for chaperoning, transporting, and supervising students. Report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior to the school authorities immediately.
  • Responsibility: All parents should respect the school’s code of conduct for students, and model good behavior and sportsmanship. Do not encourage or condone cheating, violence, or unsportsmanlike conduct. Support the academic and personal growth of your child and other students. Communicate with the coaches and the school staff in a respectful and constructive manner.
  • Court side seating is reserved exclusively for badged members of the booster club. No additional guests are allowed to occupy these seats.
  • Booster members are expected to adhere to this policy and respect the rights of other members. Violating this policy may result in losing your court side seating privileges.

By following this code of conduct, you will help us create a positive and supportive atmosphere for our school’s sports teams. Thank you for your cooperation and your commitment to our boosters club.


Nate Jordan

Boosters Club President

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